As part of our HiT624 Mixed Methods in Communication Research course, we are required to read several books from start to finish. In addition, we must read several book sections relevant to our topic. The required reading for this course must be completed prior to each class. Some of these books are available online for free via Turcadamy, to which our university subscribes. Here is the list.
1. Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research; John W. Creswell, Vicki L. Plano Clark; SAGE Publications, Inc. (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
2. Mixed Methods Research: A Guide to the Field (Mixed Methods Research Series); Vicki L. Plano Clark, Nataliya V. Ivankova; SAGE Publications, Inc (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
3. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches; John W. Creswell; SAGE Publications, Inc. (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
4. Becoming Qualitative Researchers: An Introduction; Corrine Glesne; Pearson (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
5. 30 Essential Skills for the Qualitative Researcher; John W. Creswell; 2019; SAGE Publications, Inc. (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
6. Eğitim Araştırmacıları İçin Spss Uygulamalı İstatistik; Sevilay Kilmen; Edge Akademi Yayınları (Turkish)
This book can help you relax if you’re having trouble conducting the quantitative analysis. With its training CD, the book will be especially useful for those learning quantitative analysis.
7. Jamovi – Uygulamalı İstatistik Analizleri – Sosyal Bilimcilere Yönelik Araştırma Hikayeleri ile Anlatım; Ömer Lütfi Antalyalı, Ali Murat Alparslan; Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık (Turkish)
This book can help you relax if you’re having trouble conducting the quantitative analysis. The book’s exercises will be especially beneficial to those learning quantitative analysis.
8. Learning Statistics with Jamovi: A Tutorial for Psychology Students and Other Beginners; Danielle J. Navarro, David R. Foxcroft;
The studies that directly pertain to the focus of our course are listed below..
- Doğan ÖZLEM; Doğa Bilimleri ve ‘Sosyal Bilimler’ Ayrımının Dünü ve Bugünü Üzerine; 1998, Toplum ve Bilim Dergisi (76); s.7-40 (Turkish). Click here to go to the journal official page
- Beylü DİKEÇLİGİL; Sosyolojide Metodolojik Farklılaşma Ve Metodlar Arası İşbirliği; III. Ulusal Sosyoloji Kongresi Bildirileri; s.97-126 (Turkish) Click here to read.
- Sabahattin Zaim; Genç İlim Adamına Nasihatler; 2007; I. Genç Akademisyenler Buluşması Açılış Konuşması (Turkish) Click here to read
- F. Beylü DİKEÇLİGİL; Ontolojiyi Hatırlamak Sosyolojide Yöntem Sorunu; 2017; Çizgi Kitabevi (Turkish) Click here to purchase
I have listed the video sources related to the philosophical backgrounds of the research methods and the softwares we will use while performing the quantitative and qualitative data analysis..
Ninarva (Qualitative research designs):
When you click on the three-line tab at the top right of the video, you can choose any of the videos in the list. My advice is to watch all the videos about Qualitative research method on NINARVA channel. If the video does not appear here, you can click “Watch on YouTube” to watch it on YouTube.)
Ps. All videos are in Turkish. If you feel comfort to watch videos in English, a very easy surf on YouTube will be convenient to reach a great number of videos.
Zeynep Kurnaz (Qualitative data analysis on MaxQDA): (When you click on the three-line tab at the top right of the video, you can choose any of the videos in the list. If the video does not appear here, you can click “Watch on YouTube” to watch it on YouTube.)
Akademiklink (Quantitative data analysis on SPSS): (When you click on the three-line tab at the top right of the video, you can choose any of the videos in the list. If the video does not appear here, you can click “Watch on YouTube” to watch it on YouTube.)
Datalabcc (Quantitative data analysis on Jamovi): (When you click on the three-line tab at the top right of the video, you can choose any of the videos in the list. If the video does not appear here, you can click “Watch on YouTube” to watch it on YouTube.)
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