In our HİT549 New Communication Technologies in PR class, there is so much to read! There is a lot to watch too. Let’s just share the reading list here, and save the list of things to watch for another piece.
I think that the following studies are both directly related to the weekly course contents and will inspire your research proposal.
The first four studies of our reading list are the books for which you will be responsible for the semester exam grade. Other studies are the books and articles that I recommend to read – if you did not read during the undergraduate period – so that this course can be understood as much as possible.
How to Read a Book: The Classic Guide to Intelligent Reading; Mortimer J. Adler, Charles Van Doren; Touchstone (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
Deadline for reading: 05.11.2024
It is almost impossible not to forget the book you are reading, especially if it is a more or less scientific book. So what should I do to not forget? It is most efficient to read the books by summarizing, and then remember the book by looking at that summary when we have a problem. Here comes the question of how to summarize the book. This book answers that very well.
2. On the Internet (Thinking in Action); Hubert L. Dreyfus; Routledge (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
Deadline for reading: 05.11.2024
3. The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism; Jeremy Rifkin; St. Martin’s Press (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
Deadline for reading: 26.11.2024
4. The Network Society; Jan van Dijk; SAGE Publications Ltd. (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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5. Social Media: A Critical Introduction; Christian Fuchs; SAGE Publications Ltd. (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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6. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology; Neil Postman; Vintage (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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7. The Media and Modernity: A Social Theory of the Media; John B. Thompson; Stanford University Press (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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8. 21 Lessons for the 21st Century; Yuval Noah Harari; Random House (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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9. Dijital Gerçeklikte Halkla İlişkilerin Evrimi; Kolektif; Cinius Yayınları (Turkish)
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10. T-İnsan; Ufuk Tarhan; Destek Yayınları (Turkish)
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11. A Social History of the Media; Peter Burke, Asa Briggs; Polity (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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12. Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked; Adam Alter; Penguin Books (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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13. iGen; Jean M. Twenge; Atria Books (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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14. Aşırı İnternet Kullanımı; Mustafa Cıngı; Yeni Medya Çağında Popüler Dijital Sorunlar (Fikret Yazıcı,Hakan Aydın) içinde; Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss.93-132, 2020 (Turkish)
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15. İletişimin Tekno-Sosyolojisi; Nihal Kocabay Şener; Volga Yayınları (Turkish)
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16. Küresel Kuşatma Karşısında İnsan; Mustafa Armağan; Ketebe Yayınları (Turkish)
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17. Uluslararası Halkla İlişkiler ve Yeni İletişim Teknolojileri; Mustafa Cıngı; “Uluslararası Halkla İlişkiler (Emel Tanyeri Mazıcı)” içinde; Türkiye Alim Kitapları; 2016 (Turkish)
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18. Efsaneler ve Gerçekler; Temel Aksoy; CEO PlusYayınları (Turkish)
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19. 1984; George Orwell; Intra S.r.l.s. (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
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20. Kitle İletişim Kuramları; Burak Özçetin; İletişim Yayınları 2018 (“İletişim, Teknoloji ve Toplumsal Dönüşüm” bölümü; Sayfa 233-265 arası) (Turkish)
Deadline for reading: 08.10.2024
Burak Özçetin’in bu güzel eseri, okuduğum kitle iletişim kuramları kitapları arasında sanırım en rahat anlaşılırı. Bizi kitabın son bölümü daha çok ilgilendiriyorsa da eğer kuramlarla ilgili bazı soru işaretleri varsa kafanızda, bu kitabın tamamını bir gözden geçirmek yerinde olacaktır.
21. İletişim Kuramlar Yaklaşımlar; Nazife Güngör; Siyasal Kitabevi 2020 (5. Baskı) (Bölüm VI “Modernleşme, İletişim ve Teknoloji” bölümü) & (Bölüm X “İletişim ve Etkileyici Yaklaşım”); Sayfa 345-360 arası) (Turkish)
Deadline for reading: 08.10.2024
Nazife Hocanın bu eseri ise okuyabileceğiniz en detaylı ve anlaşılır iletişim kuramları kitabı olabilir. Sadece yukarıda belirttiğimiz iki bölüm değil, kitabın tamamı baştan sona birkaç defa okunmalı. Çok dua edersiniz bana 🙂
22. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches; John W. Creswell; SAGE Publications, Inc. (for the research proposal) (This book has also a Turkish edition.)
Deadline for reading:
23. Araştırmanın Alfabesi; Yasin Ramazan; Babil Kitap Yayınları (Turkish)
Deadline for reading:
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